Total Bookage = 46,514 words
10,39 words
…with five minutes left on the clock…drum roll…10,139 words (my biggest word count in one day…ever)
Left Jack in the middle of a sword fight for Talia’s hand. Halfway through Chapter 16. And at this moment, I have no idea what will happen in Jack’s sword battle. Guess I’ll find out tomorrow.
7,011 words
Got stuck in Chapter 15 and had to work through some stuff, but once I found my way through the rough patch, I looked up and I was at 7K.
Break time. Leaving poor Jack in a tough spot for the moment.
Back later for the last stretch of the day…
3,700 words
Over 40K to make it officially a novel on all scales. Close enough for horseshoes, hand grenades, and novels. About halfway through the story events in my head. And on my hieroglyphic notes spread across my desk.
Got slowed down a little this morning because my knights in training had to learn to sword fight for their first competition. And I had to teach them how…so, had to get that section right. But back on track and into Chapter 14 as things get worse for Talia’s situation. Need to work through that and another meeting with Jack and then, I get to Chapter 15 is where other things start going wrong.
Have to write them through two more competitions and Talia exercising her angel of death powers on the first soul of the new wager. And then the sky starts falling as the runaway train doesn’t have Denzel Washington or Chris Pine at the helm. Hope my hands and my keyboard are ready when I get to that part because stuff’s gonna happen at light speed. Hope I can keep up.
I’m really glad there’s a third book in my head after I finish this one. Because I’m going to feel really sad when I type the last word on this book. I have many other things to write, but this book has just been so much fun to write.
It reminds of my favorite Dare when Ron and I did a February Dare (I think I was the one that stupidly chose that month). I wrote the first draft of Experiencing True Purple. It was 97K over 28 days and OMG, it was the best writing experience of my life. This book has been a close second and its a book two. Weird!
Back at it…