Experiencing True Purple, is a genetic-engineering military alien invasion war saga set in a fictional future Earth and its neighboring galaxy, Taus. The United Countries of Earth battle a nearly unstoppable alien attack force that has exhausted most of Earth’s advanced technologies and forced them into deploying cloned soliders, recombinants, by the thousands to stop the Antaran advance toward Earth. This is the story of one of those recombinants who didn’t want to fight and kill. He just wants to live.

Book 1: Experiencing True Purple
Book 1: They stole his memories. Deleted his dreams. Because he was government property.
They gave him one year to live. At an alien war front. To save a world he’ll never see.
Programmed to fight and kill.
He just wants to live.

Book 2: Experiencing True Purple
Book 2: Sting taught him how to fight. Peter taught Sting how to hope. Together, they taught each other how to survive.
And Peter will risk everything to change Ku’Tal’s outcome.

Book 3: Experiencing True Purple
Book 3: Antarans overrun Civilization as ancient ruins light up across the system. Triggered by Peter Mitchell’s DNA.
Book 4: Experiencing True Purple
Book 4: His DNA is the cipher that will reanimate an unstoppable army. But turning on the device will kill him.
Book 5: Experiencing True Purple
Book 5: Armed with the DNA key to Taus’ mysterious ruins, Peter gambles with his life to stop the Antarans at Civilization.